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Portraits of Graduates and Graduates at the 126th Graduation of ITS
The Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology again held the 126th Graduation which was held offline at Graha Ten November (ITS), after the last 2 years the graduation was held online and then Drive-thru due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. At the 126th ITS Graduation, there were 3,525 graduates consisting of Applied Bachelor (D4), Bachelor (S1), Master (S2) and Doctoral (S3) levels, which were inaugurated by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng.
The 126th Graduation is held on a scheduled basis for two days, namely on Saturday, September 24, 2022 and Sunday, September 25, 2022. Meanwhile, the schedule for the 126th Graduation of the Vocational Faculty is on the second day, namely Sunday, with a total of 427 graduates. Ten November Institute of Technology produced the best graduates and as many as 1082 graduates graduated with cum laude predicate. Of the many best graduates, Kharin Octavian Ranto is one of the best ITS Applied Bachelor graduates from the Department of Business Statistics, Faculty of Vocational Studies with a cumulative GPA (GPA) of 3.85.
Kharin Octavian Ranto graduated with a Bachelor of Appliedwith cum laude predicate
The release of the graduates of the Vocational Faculty consisting of 6 (six) Departments was carried out enthusiastically and lively, not only by the graduates, but also by the students who participated in the celebration that day. Meanwhile, the parents or assistants of the graduates are in each department to be able to watch the live streaming of the 126 Graduation activities. After the graduation procession and acceptance of diplomas by the graduates, the Student Association (HIMA) from each department welcomes the graduates to be paraded from the Graha Ten Building. November goes to their respective departments. The procession that has become entrenched and has become a typical tradition of ITS Graduation took place lively, as a form of appreciation for graduates who have completed their study load. After the procession, the graduates were greeted with a thanksgiving ceremony with a series of activities in each department.
From all the series of 126th Graduation activities, it is hoped that all the knowledge gained during the lecture process with all the efforts that have been passed will later be useful and make a blessing for the careers of graduates so that they can contribute directly to the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Cheers and success always graduates!