Department of Offshore Engineering

Department of Offshore Engineering

Offshore and Deep Sea Engineering Education with International Reputation

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya opened a new study program, the Department of Offshore Engineering, under the Faculty of Marine Technology in 2021. The study program was built to answers the high need for experts in Offshore Engineering, especially in Indonesia, also to enhance the potential of natural resources located offshore, such as gas, petroleum, and minerals, and by reviewing the potential Indonesian oil and gas, 70 percent of which is in the waters. In addition, the Offshore Engineering Study Program develops various possible technologies in the Offshore field, such as the development of marginal and deep-sea waters, underwater survey and subsea engineering, and offshore aquaculture.


“To be a higher education institution of Offshore and Deep Sea Engineering with international reputation, environmental insight, and sustainability.”


Missions of the Department of Offshore Engineering include:

  1. A professional, efficient, innovative, creative, adaptive, and responsible teaching and learning process to produce superior and character graduates.
  2. Innovative and productive research in supporting the development of science and technology, and also plays an active role nationally and internationally.
  3. Take an active role in the utilization and application of science and technology for community empowerment.
  4. A conducive and adaptive governance system.
  5. An effective, efficient, accountable, and transparent management system.
  6. National and international networks with stakeholders synergy for education, research, and community service.

The Department of Offshore Engineering ITS opens for the Undergraduate (S1) program.

Expertise and Excellence

Department of Offshore Engineering ITS specializes in:

  1. Fixed Offshore Technology
  2. Floating structure & Deepsea Technology
  3. Subsea & Pipeline Technology
  4. Material, Offshore Production, Welding and Underwater Inspection Technology
  5. Digitalization, Robotic, & Autonomous Technology

As well as with various leading fields including:

  1. Fixed Offshore Structure
  2. Floating Offshore Structure
  3. Compliant Offshore and Deep Waters Structure
  4. Underwater Engineering and Piping Technology
  5. Autonomous System and Offshore Long Distance Technology
  6. Marine Operations and Safety
  7. Production, Materials, and Welding in Offshore Technology
  8. Underwater Inspections and Surveys
  9. Offshore Aquaculture
  10. Supporting Infrastructure for Future Technology
  11. Marine Geohazards

Facilities and Infrastructure

To support the research, the Department of Offshore Engineering provides the latest and adequate facilities and infrastructure to support the course of lectures, including:

  1. Worship Facilities
  2. Administration Room and Office
  3. Classroom
  4. Laboratory
  5. Co-working space
  6. Garden and gazebo


The output of the Department of Offshore Engineering is an Undergraduate (S1) who can then pursue a career with various job prospects, including:

Oil and Gas Industry, International Society, Offshore Fabrication and Ship Building Industry, Insurance Companies, Project Management Practitioners, the forefront of offshore and deep-sea practitioners/consultants, and Research in various government and private institutions.

In addition, the graduates also can work as:

  1. Engineer / Engineer
  2. Manager / Entrepreneur
  3. Academics / Researchers
  4. Bureaucracy / Policy Maker


Admission for 2021 is open through Seleksi Kemitraan, Mandiri, dan Prestasi (SKMP) with SKMP Online Registration starting from 8 May to 9 June 2021. Announcements can be accessed on 24 June 2021, followed by re-registration on 5-7 July 2021.
