Faculty of Vocational Public Fasilities

As a faculty that prioritizes practice, the Vocational Faculty also pays attention to the needs of its students in supporting their activities while on campus. Therefore, the Vocational Faculty provides various campus facilities to help and support activities in the campus environment. It is hoped that the provision of Campus Facilities will support the activities of Vocational Faculty students in developing skills and increasing their knowledge.

Campus facilities at the Faculty of Vocational Schools are very diverse. One of the facilities always available in every Department of the Faculty of Vocational Studies is the Reading Room. This Reading Room provides various kinds of journals or final project reports from alumni from departments at the Vocational Faculty. In addition to the Reading Room, the Vocational Faculty also provides facilities related to non-academic activities; namely, there are several sports facilities in the form of a Volleyball Field on the Manyar Campus and a Futsal Field.With the existing campus facilities at the Vocational Faculty, it is hoped to support the activities carried out by Vocational students.


In worship, students, lecturers, and staff in each Department in the Vocational Faculty has provided a place of worship in the form of Mushola. But in the Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering there is a Mosque named Al Azhar Mosque with its Worshipers Named JMAA. In addition to daily worship, Salat, at Al Azhar Mosque is also held Friday Prayers, Salat Ied. There are also study activities (Kajian) that are often done regularly at Al-Azhar Mosque

Reading Room

Ruang Baca di Fakultas Kejuruan hampir ada di setiap departemen. Ruang baca ini merupakan salah satu fasilitas yang disediakan oleh masing-masing Departemen di Fakultas Vokasi ITS bagi mahasiswa dan civitas akademika dalam hal layanan peminjaman, pengembalian, perpanjangan, berbagai koleksi perpustakaan yang mendukung proses belajar mengajar di masing-masing Jurusan di Fakultas Vokasi ITS.

Sports Infrastructure.

To support the health and fitness of its students and community in the Vocational Faculty environment, providing several infrastructure to channel the interests and talents of students in the field of Sports. So that some sports infrastructure is provided, among others:

  1. Futsal Field
  2. Volleyball Court at ITS Manyar Campus
  3. Table Tennis

Parking Area

Most students, faculty, and staff at the Vocational Faculty bring their personal vehicles from where they live to campus. For that, you need a parking lot that is used to park the vehicle. And the parking space provided at the Vocational Faculty is very spacious and can be to park Montor, Cars, to Bicycles As well.

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