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The FTEIC Volly Team when competing in the 62nd Anniversary of ITS
In commemoration of its 62nd anniversary, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology held a Dies Natalis celebration which included a series of interesting events. Precisely on August 30, 2022, the Anniversary Opening which is a series of opening the 62nd ITS Anniversary was held offline. This implementation begins with the traceability of seven faculties at ITS.
It didn’t stop there, from August 1 to October 1 there were three activities consisting of Innovation for Indonesia, inspiring alumni, and ITS Short Movie which were held boldly. Then there are also ITS sportainment activities which are held in the form of sports competitions involving students, lecturers and teaching staff (tendik). Then, the 62 ITS Anniversary Series will be closed with ITS awards activities and the Anniversary Ceremony on November 12 which will be held offline.
In the series of ITS sportainment activities, there are several sports that are contested, namely volleyball, tennis, chess, table tennis, aerobics, esports, soccer, badminton, and basketball. Sending delegates is divided into two ways, namely submitting themselves according to the interests and talents of both students and lecturers at FTEIC ITS, while for students the system used is to select several sports.
FTEIC managed to win several sports in ITS Sportainment, namely 2nd place in the table tennis competition, 2nd place in the Badminton competition, 3rd place in the Volly competition, and in the e-sport competition FTEIC managed to win two at once, namely 2nd and 3rd place . During the event, there was also a different atmosphere that was felt because of the roaring voices of other FTEIC students who enthusiastically supported their proud team playing. This breaks the stigma that FTEIC students only care about academic activities.
“I didn’t think that the hype from FTEIC students to join the supporters turned out to be crowded too, because maybe FTEIC is identical with ambitious students and rarely participates in activities that are not in the academic realm, but yesterday there were quite a lot of FTEIC students,” said Dida as Chair of the FTEIC BEM.
In all his messages, he thanked the FTEIC students who participated in the 62nd ITS Anniversary. He also hopes that in the future FTEIC can achieve more achievements in competitions. In addition, it is hoped that the participation of FTEIC students can be more lively and enthusiastic in enlivening the ITS 63rd Anniversary activities next year.