Technology Management Department Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is a multidisciplinary science and its designed to equip managers, leaders and professional executives with knowledge, competency and managerial skills. This department mission gives a contribution to science development of technology management through education, training and community services.Technology Management Department ITS have much academic staff with a master degree from the best overseas universities and have a lot of experience in industry and business. In the learning process, students will learn and guided by 56 lecture, with its qualification 52 professors and the rest is doctoral. It proves that this department is qualified and trusted to be education center of technology management.Students will get curriculum that oriented and focus on technology management. Students get 2 laboratories which have 70 workstation capacity as learning support facility in this department. One student of this department achieves Best Paper Awards in International Seminar Of Contemporary Research in Business and Management (ISCRBM) 2017.Graduates of this department are expected to identify, analyze and finish management and technology issue and be able to take a decision in various level.