This Honoris Causa title is awarded for her contribution in the Management and Conservation of Marine Resources. This award was given at the peak ceremony of ITS 57th Dies Natalis.
This Honoris Causa title is awarded for her contribution in Urban Development Management. This award was given on March 4th, 2015.
This first Honoris Causa title in ITS history was awarded for his achievement in world marketing science. This award was given on December 15th, 2010.
This Professor title is given for him in the field of Manufacturing Systems Science. This award was given at the ITS Senate Open Meeting on November 22th, 1997.
This award was given at ITS 64th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
Abdurrahman Wahid or Gusdur is the 4th president of the Republic of Indonesia. He was the initiator of the Faculty of Information Technology establishment, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. In addition, he has realized national unity and integrity through democracy, equal rights, and obligations for all elements of Indonesian society. This award was given at the ITS 61st Dies Natalis.
He is the contributor of the nation who became the Rector of ITS for the 2003-2007 period and the Minister for Education and Culture of Indonesia for the 2009-2014 period. This award was given at the ITS 59th Dies Natalis.
He is the Alumni of the Department of Civil Engineering ITS who served as Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) for the 2015-2019 period. This award was given at ITS 57th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 64th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
Prof. Ir. Soegiono is one of the leaders of Marine Technology in Indonesia. He plays a strategic role in infrastructure development at ITS and other institutions. He is the Founder of the Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK), initiating two new majors in Marine Engineering and Marine Engineering. This award was given at the ITS 61st Dies Natalis.
He has a strategic role in the development of modern universities. And play a strategic role in the achievement of ITS as PTNBH and assist ITS in opening new study programs. And trusted to be a public official with ITS permission in three consecutive periods at the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. This award was given at the ITS 61st Dies Natalis.
He oversees the Postgraduate Education Program (as Director-General of KP3K and Head of the MCRMP and CORE MAP Projects (WB and ADB loans), with the programs being the Empowerment of Departments and Bappeda in 15 Provinces. He served as Secretary-General of KKP 2006 – 2009, Secretary-General of D 8 Organization for Economic Development in Istanbul 2010 – 2012, and Executive Director Regional Secretariat for CTI CFF (The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security) 2015 – 2019. This award was given at the ITS 61st Dies Natalis.
He is the person with great achievements, research, and contributions in exploring, developing, and socializing science, technology, culture, and/or art on behalf of ITS. Now, entrusted as one of the members of Majelis Wali Amanat ITS. This award was given at the ITS 60th Dies Natalis.
He is the person with great achievements, research, and contributions in exploring, developing, and socializing science, technology, culture, and/or art on behalf of ITS. Now entrusted as the Head of the Special Task Force for Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). This award was given at the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the person who built and raised ITS nationally and internationally in Indonesian urban planning. This award was given at the 59th ITS Dies Natalis.
He is the person who has done great works and services for ITS development, who became Rector of ITS for the 1973-1982 period. This award was given at the 57th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the person who raised ITS in the construction sector through PT Jaya Konstruksi Penggala Pratama. This award was given at the 57th Dies Natalis ITS.
This award was given at the 63th Dies Natalis ITS.
This award was given at the 63th Dies Natalis ITS.
This award was given at the 62th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the Trustee and the Vice President of Kumamoto University, Japan, starting from April 2020 until now. This award was officially given during the 61th ITS Dies Natalis to appreciate the years of outstanding support to ITS and for the extraordinary contribution in terms of education, research, and capacity building.
He is the Rector of an international university, Wismar University, who has promoted collaborative education and research with ITS. This award was given at the 57th Dies Natalis ITS.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 63th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
He is the Alumni of Mechanical Engineering Departement, F-Indsys, who is now entrusted as the President Director at PT. AIRFAST Indonesia. This award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the alumni of Civil Engineering Department, F-Civplan, who started his business as a property developer. He is now focused on developing PT. Saligading Bersama. He is also entrusted as the Vice-Chairman of MWA ITS for 2016-2021. This award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the alumni of F-Scientics, is now entrusted as Senior Advisor for Investment and Development of Infrastructure within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia. The award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the alumni of F-Vocations, who is now entrusted as the Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina (Persero). This award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the alumni of Electrical Engineering Department, F-Electics, who is now entrusted as the Director of Telkom Wholesale and International Services, PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. This award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the the alumni of Electrical Enginering Department, F-Electics and Doctoral Program of Sea Transportation System Department, F-Martech, who is now entrusted as logistics and infrastructure Director at PT. Pertamina (Persero). This award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the alumni of Industrial and Product Design, F-Creabiz, is the CoFounder & CEO of PT. Kreasi Karya Raya – DUS DUK DUK and also listed on Forbes 30 Under 30. This award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
Besides receiving national achievements, He is also able to improve the cooperation relationship between BUMN and ITS. This award was given at the commemoration of the 57th Dies Natalis ITS.
He has improved government cooperation with ITS and raised ITS name in the government. This award was given at the 57th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the alumni of the Department of Mechanical Engineering ITS who specializes in Engineering & Technology of aircraft design and analysis, automotive, simulators, and automation system integration. This award was given at the 57th Dies Natalis.
She has raised ITS name in the world of science and technology. This award was given at the 57th Dies Natalis ITS.
He has excelled in arts and culture and its development. This award was given at the commemoration of the 57th Dies Natalis ITS.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
This award was given at the ITS 62th Dies Natalis.
He is the lecturer of Chemistry Department, who is now entrusted as dean of F-Scientics. This award was given at the 60th Dies Natalis ITS anniversary.
She is the lecturer of the Industrial and System Engineering Department, who is now entrusted as the Director of ITS Global Engangement Directocrate. This award was given at the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is a lecturer and also the current Head of the Department of Marine Transportation Engineering. This award was given at the 60th Dies Natalis ITS anniversary.
He is a lecturer at the Department of Computer Engineering. This award was given at the 60th Dies Natalis ITS anniversary.
He won second place in the Academic Leader of the science field. This award was given at the 59th Dies Natalis ITS.
He won first place in the author category’s scientific publication in the 2019 Science and Technology Index (SINTA) Award. This award was given at the 59th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the lecturer who achieved first winner of the 2019 Academy Leader category lecturer with additional duties as the head of Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI). This award was given at the 59th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the lecturer who achieved the first winner of the 2019 Academy Leader in maritime science. This award was given at the 59th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the lecturer who supervises the ITS automotive team in international competitions. This award was given at the 59th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the Lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering who supervises the ITS Lowo Ireng Team who competes in automotive. This award was given at the 59th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the lecturer of the Department of Architecture and the mentor of Paduan Suara Mahasiswa (PSM) ITS, has led the PSM ITS to be the champion in choir competitions. This award was given at the 59th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the lecturer of the Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and the supervisor of ITS Barunastra team, has led the team to international robotics competitions. This award was given at the 59h Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the lecturer of the Department of Computer Engineering ITS and the supervisor of ICHIRO (ITS Champion in Robocup) team. He has led the ICHIRO team to international robotics competitions. This award was given at the 59th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the lecturer of the department of Naval Architecture who has greatly contributed in the development of Naval Architecture nationally and internationally. This appreciation award was given at the 58th Dies Natalis ITS anniversary.
He is the lecturer of the department of Systems and Industrial Engineering who has greatly contributed in Supply Chain Engineering and Logistics Management and has earned awards nationally and internationally. This award was given at the 58th Dies Natalis ITS anniversary.
She is the lecturer of Chemistry Department hat has greatly contributed in analyzing medicinal potential in natural products extracted from plants and fungi specifically for herbal medicines. Her works have earned her awards nationally and internationally. This appreciation award was given at the 58th Dies Natalis ITS anniversary.
He is the lecturer of the department of Product Design who has greatly contributed in the design of products used nationally, including the design of the luxurious Sleeper Train in cooperation with PT INKA and the design of Mass Rapid Transportation (MRT) for the city of Palembang. This award was given at the 58th Dies Natalis ITS anniversary.
She is the lecturer of the department of Civil Engineering who has greatly contributed in concrete and building materials. One of her inventions, the production of paving made from coal waste has achieved awards nationally and internationally. This award was given at the 58th Dies Natalis ITS anniversary.
He is the person who is now entrusted as the Head of ITS General Bureau and Reformation of Bureaucracy. This award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
He is the person who is now entrusted as the Head of Subdivision of Archives and Multimedia Documentation of ITS, who also won the first Winner of National Archivist in 2017. This award was given at the commemoration of the ITS 60th Dies Natalis.
He is a student of the Department of Electrical Engineering who is part of the programming division of the ICHIRO ITS robotics team. He also achieves achievement in non-academic fields such as Regional IV KRSBI Humanoid Champion 2018.
She is a student of the Department of Informatics who is part of the Roboboat Barunastra ITS 2018-2020 team. She also achieves achievement in non-academic fields, such as her contributions in making the ITS Medical Assistant Robot – Airlangga (RAISA), a Covid-19 patient service robot.
He is a student of the Engineering Physics Department who is the head of the 2018-2019 ICHIRO team. He also achieves achievements in non-academic fields, such as first place in the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer League in the Teen Size Technical Challenge category at the 2019 Australian Robocup event.
He is a farmer from Banyuwangi with innovative ideas in Agribusiness. This award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.
She is the person who is now the Mayor of Batu for the 2017-2022 period. This award was given at the commemoration of the 60th Dies Natalis ITS.