dr. Anak Agung Bagus Wirayuda, B.Med., M.D., M.Sc.

dr. Anak Agung Bagus Wirayuda, B.Med., M.D., M.Sc
Nama : dr. Anak Agung Bagus Wirayuda, B.Med., M.D., M.Sc.
Jabatan : Dosen Kedokteran
Email : doctor.wirayuda@gmail.com
Pendidikan : S1-Profesi : Kedokteran – Profesi Dokter (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
  S2 : Epidemiology and Medical Statistics (Sultan Qaboos University)
  S3 : Epidemiology and Public Health (Sultan Qaboos University)
Preferensi Bidang Keahlian : Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat/Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas/Ilmu Kedokteran Pencegahan
Mata Kuliah :


2023 What Factors Contributing to Life Expectancy in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries: A Pilot Study to Compare Indonesia and Oman
2019 What factors contribute to life expectancy: Comparison of GCC countries in the 21st Century


Artikel Ilmiah
2023 An Exploratory Approach to Compare Life Expectancy Determinants Between Oman and Qatar
2023 Factors Impacting Life Expectancy in Bahrain: Evidence from 1971 to 2020 Data
2023 The Impact of Sociodemographic, Macroeconomic, and Health Status and Resources Determinants on Infant Mortality Rates in The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2022 A Structural Equation Model to Explore Sociodemographic, Macroeconomic, and Health Factors Affecting Life Expectancy in Oman
2021 A Systematic Review of Sociodemographic, Macroeconomic, and Health Resources Factors on Life Expectancy