Head of Study Program’s Speech

Sakina, dr., M.Si

Medical Study Program is one of 3 study programs currently owned by Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK ITS). The establishment of this study program is based on the spirit of ITS’s national contribution to the nation and state, and concerns about the unevenness of professional doctors in general, and has been approved by the Higher Education Health Self-Accreditation Institute (LAMPT-Kes) and the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI). The graduates produced have excellence in the field of preventive medicine and are able to adapt to technological developments. The curriculum used refers to the National Medical Education Standards and Indonesian Doctor Competency Standards, with strengthening related to preventive medicine and technology, related to medical technology, data processing, technology-based entrepreneurship in the medical field, as well as technology applications and digital transformation in the medical field.

Teaching and learning activities are carried out at the ITS Sukolilo Surabaya Campus, and several educational vehicles and educational hospitals that have collaborated with the medical study program, including community health center in the Surabaya city environment, and RSUD dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Mojokerto. In the implementation of its activities, the medical study program is also accompanied by the supervising of Faculty of Medicine Unair, which is currently led by Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Santoso, Sp. OG (K), Subsp. F.E.R as the Dean.
With various readiness possessed, FKK ITS Medical Study Program is ready to contribute to the Indonesian nation, in the health sector in particular. Let’s join us, as a form of active contribution to improving the health status of the Indonesian people.

Vivat ITS.