Inbound Researcher Mobility Activities

Inbound Researcher Mobility (IRM) is an adaptation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology  program called World-Class Professor (WCP) which invites professors from abroad to collaborate with academics from Indonesia to publish joint papers in reputable international journals.

IRM provides funding for overseas professors to come to ITS Surabaya, Indonesia. The series of events held from February 26 – March 1, 2024, was carried out by inviting Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noraini Binti Ahmad who is an associate professor from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya. Her field of competence is nanocarrier and nanoparticle, proven by many research activities and journal reviews related to these topics. This event will increase knowledge of technological advances in the fields of pharmacology, biochemistry, and internal medicine, especially on the topic of nanocarriers and nanoparticles, which have been widely discussed lately. This can be obtained from the presentation of material on nanocarrier systems that will be given through guest lectures and research discussions on nanocarrier systems to improve drug delivery systems and the most effective nanoparticles in managing GERD.

The objectives of this series of events include improving the quality of research in the Medical Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine and Health ITS, especially in the fields of Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Internal Medicine by writing systematic review journals and joint publications in reputable international journals, improving the international academic environment and transfer of knowledge to academic staff and medical students in the Medical Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine and Health ITS, and can support World Class University (WCU) by holding guest lectures. The series of events at this IRM include guest lectures and workshops with the expected output being Scopus indexed journal publications and increasing overseas cooperation in medical study programs.

IRM-Prof Noor
IRM-Jurnal Disscusion
IRM-Guest Lecture
Guest lecture mahasiswa