Isabelle 5 from the right side, doing the photoshoot session with other academic achiever
Biomedical Engineering Department student, Isabelle Jessica Tjitalaksana, succeeded in achieving the finalist position in the 2024 ITS Outstanding Student Selection (MAWAPRES) held by the ITS Directorate of Student Affairs (DITMAWA). Isabelle managed to outperform all the students who registered and became the only student from FT-EIC who passed the 2024 ITS MAWAPRES undergraduate selection.
The 2024 Outstanding Student selection process is relatively fast, starting from registration on January 4 2024 to the announcement of the top three on February 1 2024. Isabelle explained that she had registered in the previous year, namely at the 2023 ITS MAWAPRES but had not been successful. Never giving up, Isabelle is again optimistic about taking part in the selection starting from registration, portfolio selection, psychological tests, interviews and creative idea presentations until she is declared qualified as one of the five finalists for ITS MAWAPRES 2024. This once again adds to the list of achievements of this student from Jakarta. .
This Selection for Outstanding Students not only prioritizes academic grades but also student activities such as competitions, organizations and committees and community service. Isabelle herself admitted that she had participated in various competitions and organizations such as the Student Activity Unit (UKM) in the special field of Robotics. He joined the IRIS team, especially in the programming division, which participated in several national and international competitions. Apart from that, to develop other skills, Isabelle participated in organizations within and outside the department such as the ITS Christian Student Fellowship Organization.
Isabelle with team gain the championship, golden medal on national stage
Isabelle explained that she was very proud and grateful to the people closest to her who always encouraged her. “I feel very grateful and thankful to my friends, family and lecturers who have always supported me up to this point,” he said. Apart from happiness and gratitude, there were obstacles that Isabelle managed to overcome in the ITS 2024 MAWAPRES selection stage. “The tight timeline when it comes to preparing files and presenting creative ideas is a bit burdensome, but I am very excited because this is a new challenge for me, I quite like challenges,” he concluded when interviewed.
“A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor”, is a quote that Isabelle relies on when facing a challenge. This student who is in her 6th semester believes that obstacles will shape and strengthen us which will later lead us to the door to success. Finally, Isabelle advised that we must take advantage of all the opportunities that exist, whether we are sure we will win or not, but we must take opportunities that will not necessarily be created again.
Dekan Fakultas Teknik Kelautan (FTK) ITS periode 2025-2029 Dr Ing Ir Setyo Nugroho (kiri) saat dilantik oleh Rektor ITS
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