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Program Sarjana Terapan ITS
Program Sarjana ITS
International Undergraduate Program ITS
Program Pascasarjana ITS
Program Profesi ITS
Foreign Applicants ITS

ITS is studded with scholarships!

Scholarship to Register ITS

ITS opens opportunities for applicants from all walks of life to study at ITS through KIP Lectures for SNBP, SNBT, Undergraduate Achievement Selection, Vocational Undergraduate Achievement Selection, and Vocational Undergraduate Regular Selection. ITS also provides scholarships for prospective applicants through the ITS Scholarship selection process which can be used to register in the Independent Undergraduate Selection and Vocational Undergraduate Independent Selection.

Apart from going through these scholarships, students after being accepted at ITS can apply for other scholarships to obtain tuition assistance through the Directorate of Student Affairs according to the provisions.

In general, scholarships are divided into economic scholarships and achievement scholarships. ITS categorizes scholarship sources from Ministries, Local Governments, BUMN, Private, Foundations, and Alumni.

In 2022 there will be 9,144 scholarship recipients in two semesters with a total fund of IDR 76,974 billion. This nominal continues to increase from year to year and is ITS’s commitment to provide more opportunities for students who need to carry out studies at ITS. This tuition assistance is divided into several programs depending on the scholarship provider. Assistance can include: full tuition assistance, partial tuition assistance, living expenses assistance, research funding assistance, to student self-development.

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