Below is the announcement of participants who passed the interview stage of ITS Website
In order to meet the needs of Non-Civil servants faculty in Sepuluh Nopember Institute
Below is the agenda of ITS Chancellor Election for 2019-2024. The election of
Event Servis Gratis Theme Ganti Oli Servis Ringan Ganti Busi Ganti Filter Oli Day
Event Chemistry Youth Entrepreneur Class Theme Dari Hobi Jadi Rejeki Day and Date Saturday,
Greetings, everyone! After a long process looking for managers, we are now officially open
Holla fellas, the wait is almost over. It begins with a pleasant event, ITS
#ITSUpdate Pemberitahuan Vaksinasi Dosis ke 2 di Grha ITS Kami mengundang seluruh dosen, tenaga