Sosialisasi International Undergraduate Program ITS Halo calon mahasiswa kampus ITS. Untuk kalian yang ingin
🌈DIES NATALIS DKV ITS PROUDLY PRESENT🌈 Hello sobat eudits! 🌈🚀 Apa kabar nih semuanya?!
Hallo Sobat!👋 Gimana nih kabarnya? Lagi gabut ya?😏😏 Nah, untuk mengisi waktu kalian, nih
Halo Sobat!👋🏻 Di masa yang sulit ini, yuk, sama-sama berbagi kebahagiaan!😇🤩 Telah dibuka pengumpulan
Greetings energizer⚡️ Are you an electric vehicle enthusiast and interested in renewable energy and
Hello, Future Managers!! 👋 Have you ever wanted to know how to make things
Greetings!👋🏻 Good news to all students of ITS! Petrolida is now open for those
Event Webinar Series #1 Theme The success of your dream starts in UMKC USA
Calling out all the marvelous women out there!
Event Open Talk Distance Education Theme – Day and Date Wednesday, December 2nd 2020 Time
Event – Theme Pidato Awal Tahun Rektor ITS Day and Date Monday, January 22nd
Event The 2nd Sustainability and Resilience of Coastal Management Theme – Day and Date