Sepuluh Nopember Intsitute of Technology (ITS) in collaboration with Tokopedia offers an Internship program, namely “Tokopedia Corner Internship”.
Tokopedia as a company with a vision to build an ecosystem where anyone can start and discover anything, wants to provide opportunities for students to be able to begin their experiences in the industrial world with Tokopedia. In the “Tokopedia Corner Internship” program, students can directly handle and solve challenges experienced in the marketplace business.
Feel challenged? And want to join this program? Please register directly to be accessed on
The guideline of the program could also be downloaded here.
Raih Kesempatan dan Wujudkan Masa Depanmu di Fakultas Kedokteran dan Kesehatan ITS Hadiri WEBINAR nasional sosialisasi Fakultas Kedokteran dan
Kabar gembira nih buat kalian semua, khususnya untuk adik-adik SMA di seluruh Indonesia️ Siapa nih yang masih penasaran sama
Event Open Recruitment Theme Staf Ramadan di Kampus 1446 H ITS Day and Date – Time – Registration