
AGRIFOTECH Seminar on ‘Optimization and Utilization of Local Genetic Resources of Food Crops’

Sun, 14 Jan 2024
4:09 pm

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Hello there, Agrifotecherss!

On Tuesday, May 23, 2023, from 09:00-12:00 WIB, we conducted Teras-TP#6 via Zoom and live streaming on YouTube. The seminar centered around the theme “Optimization and Utilization of Local Genetic Resources of Food Crops.”

This seminar was organized through a collaboration between the Crop Research Center of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency-BRIN and AgriFoTech. The event commenced with remarks from Mrs. Puji Lestari, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D., the head of the Crop Research Organization-BRIN, and Dr. Yudhistira., S.P.,M.,P, the head of the Crop Research Center-BRIN. The distinguished speakers included Prof., Dr. Ir. Sahardi., M.S; Dr. Vina Eka Aristya., S.P., MSc; Drs. M. Iskandar Ishaq., M.P; and Dini Ermavitalini S.Si., M.Si, moderated by Dr. I Gusti Komang Dana Arsana., S.P., M.Si, with Sri Hustanty Findyaningrum., S.E. as the MC.

For further information, please feel free to contact the Agrifotech Research Center at ITS Research Center Building, 10th Floor, ITS Sukolilo Campus in Surabaya, or reach us via email at

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