On December 16-20 2019, READI Project held an Actuarial Short Course with Topic: Financial Engineering 2. This training was the 13th series held by READI and the host was Prasetya Mulia University, Tangerang.
The main facilitator in this training is Prof. Adam Kolkiewicz from the University of Waterloo, Canada. This Short Course was attended by 48 participants consisting of lecturers from 12 universities, actuarial staff from OJK, P2PK-Ministry of Finance, BPJS Health, and BPJS Employment.
Participants from tertiary institutions are teaching staff in the Actuarial study program or specialization. On this occasion, the ITS Actuarial Department sent its three lecturers to attend the short course, namely Dr. R. Mohammad Atok, M.Si, Wawan Hafid Syaifudin, M.Sc, MAct.Sc, and Galuh Oktavia Siswono, M.Sc, MAct.Sc.
It is hoped that regularly following the actuarial training series held by the READI Project, it can increase the knowledge and abilities of actuarial science lecturers in Indonesia.
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READI held an Actuarial Science Short Course for lecturers of actuarial study programs on the topic of Financial Mathematics.
On December 16-20 2019, READI Project held an Actuarial Short Course with Topic: Financial Engineering 2. This training was