Organize to improve the soft skills of Actuarial Department students
Student achievements of the Actuarial Department in student competitions and exchanges.
Graduates of the Actuarial Department have career opportunities in companies and entrepreneurship.
The Actuarial Department provides Actuarial Science (S1) Bachelor programs that have collaborated with various actuarial parties in Indonesia, such as the Canadian Government's PAI, OJK and READI Project.
ITS menyediakan jalur pendaftaran program studi sarjana (S1) melalui SNMPTN, SBMPTN, Program Kemitraan dan Mandiri (PKM). Program studi pascasarjana (S2 dan S3) melalui pascasarjana. Bagi calon mahasiswa internasional melalui International Office.
ITS menawarkan lebih dari 200 program dengan bermacam dasar rumpun ilmu berbeda kepada calon mahasiswa di Indonesia.