
Architecture Design Studio Review and Exhibition

Tue, 09 Jan 2024
9:29 am
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Oleh : Admin-Arsitektur   |

A Semester of Innovation and Creativity: Architecture Design Studio Review and Exhibition of Odd Semester

Arsitektur ITS News – The Architecture Department building has been buzzing with creativity lately marking the end of the odd semester of Architecture Design Studio. Students from the first, third, fifth, and seventh semesters showcased their innovative projects in an exhibition that captured the essence of their semester-long journey.

Studio Process Unveiled:

Throughout the semester, the students immersed themselves in the studio process, exploring diverse themes and translating conceptual ideas into tangible designs. The studio as a hub of collaboration and creative exchange, played a pivotal role in nurturing the students’ architectural skills.

Under the guidance of the faculty members, students navigated the complexities of architectural design, embracing challenges and pushing the boundaries of their creativity. The semester saw a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience, fostering a holistic understanding of the architectural process.

Diverse Perspectives in Display:

The exhibition highlighted the progressive development of each student. The first-semester projects focused the fundamental of architectural design where students explore aesthetics and composition through sketches and models where. Third-semester students engaged in a concept-based project which helped them to explore the waterfront design theme. Moreover, fifth-semester projects showcased a matured understanding of design principles, with students integrating the compexity of architectural design, sustainability and practicality into their works, using real-case projects.

The diversity in projects mirrored the students’ unique perspectives and demonstrated their ability to think critically and innovatively. The exhibition also showcased the evolution of ideas from inception to execution.

Exhibition: A Celebration of Creativity

The culminating event, the studio’s exhibition, provided a platform for students to present their work to the university community and industry professionals. Attendees marvelled at the intricate models, detailed drawings, and thought-provoking presentations that adorned the exhibition space. The exhibition also rised and embraced a culture of discussion among students, where they can engage in open discussions about the projects displayed.

The showcase not only celebrated the students’ accomplishments but also served as a testament to the department’s commitment to foster a culture of innovation and academic excellence. It was an opportunity for students to receive valuable feedback and insights from their peers, faculty, and industry experts.

Looking Forward:

As the odd semester Architecture Design Studio comes to an end, Department of Architecture anticipates the continued growth and success of its aspiring architects. The semester’s projects stand as a testament to the dedication, creativity, and resilience of the students who will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on their learning journey.

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