Departemen Arsitektur ITS News — Creative solutions to address the challenges of the climate
Selamat kami ucapkan kepada : Angga Ekaputra mahasiswa Arsitektur ITS Angkatan Tahun 2022 atas
Kepala Departemen Arsitektur ITS Dewi Septanti SPd ST MT PhD (dua dari kiri) beserta
AR+DC ITS Tinjau Aspek Kemanusiaan dalam Bidang Arsitektur Oleh : itsqil | 54 |
Prof Dr. Ing Ir Bambang Soemardiono from the ITS Department of Architecture delivering his
A Semester of Innovation and Creativity: Architecture Design Studio Review and Exhibition of Odd
It’s easier and closer to access information on the ITS Architecture Department’s International Undergraduate
Award: Winner of Department Management from ITS SPMI (Internal Quality Assurance System) 1st Winner:
Tentang RDIB VISI Menjadi salah satu laboratorium riset dalam bidang rekayasa data dan inteligensi