The Architecture Department’s organizational structure is part of the ITS organizational structure. The Architecture Department is under the coordination with the Faculty of Civil, Planning and Geo Engineering (CIV-PLAN) along with five other departments: Civil Engineering Department, Environmental Engineering Department, Geomatics Engineering Department, Urban and Regional Planning Department and Geophysical Engineering Department.
In the implementation of the department’s work and operational programs, the Head of the Department is assisted by the Secretary of Department I, who carries out the administrative management tasks for: Academic, Student Affairs, Research, and Community Service. Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Department II carries out the tasks of managing the administration of Finance, Facilities and Human Resources (HR). The management of student activities is assisted by the Coordinator of the Student Consultation Team (TKK).
The implementation of departmental management is assisted by Educational Staff who are coordinated by the Head of Sub-Section of Administration. For the implementation of work and operational programs more specifically in the field of academic administration, the Head of the Department is assisted by the Head of the Postgraduate Study Program.
Implementation of work programs related to research and community service as well as the development of scientific substance, the Head of the Department is assisted by the Head of the Laboratory. In his function as the person in charge of scientific development and the quality of learning, the Head of the Laboratory also acts as the Chair of the Course Groups (RMK).
Quality assurance at the departmental level is coordinated by the Head of the Department. The department’s Quality Assurance Team consists of the Secretaries of Departments I and II, and the Head of Postgraduate Study Programs and the Head of the Laboratory.
Department: Head of Department: FX. Teddy Badai Samodra, ST., MT., Ph,D Secretary of Department: Angger Sukma Mahendra, S.T..M.T. Head of Undergraduate Program: Nurfahmi M, ST. M.Ars Head of Postgraduate Program: Defry Agatha Ardianta, ST. MT Head Professional Program: Irvansyah,ST, MT Student Consultation Team: Rabbani Kharismawan, ST. MT Head of Sub Division of Administration: Lasman, S.E.
Laboratory: Head of Lab. Architectural Design: Prof.Dr.Ir.V. Totok Noerwasito, M.T. Head of Lab. Theory, History & Architectural Criticism: Nur Endah Nuffida, S.T., M.T. Head of Lab. Architectural Science & Technology: Dr. Eng. Ir. Sri Nastiti N E,MT Head of Lab. Housing & Settlements: Sarah Cahyadini, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Head of Lab. Urban Design: Dr.Ing.Ir. Bambang Soemardiono
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