ITS’s Chancellor Election 2023

The Leadership Regeneration Period for the Rector’s Position, which is carried out every 5


ITS Electics Students Explore the World of Artificial Intelligence Through the 2023 E Talks Seminar

The Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (Electics) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


ITS FT-EIC Students Enthusiasticly Welcome the Skill Development Program to Expand Future Potential

The Student Resource Development Department of BEM FT-EIC ITS is enthusiastically implementing an innovative


Hosting The 63rd Dies Natalis celebration at ITS, ELECTICS swept the championships at the ITS Sport Competition

The entire series of activities for the 63rd Dies Natalis celebration has been successfully


Increasing Cyber ​​Security Awareness, ITS KKN Admas holds training for teachers at SD Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya

The ITS Information Technology Department Community Service KKN Team held training for teachers at


Build Tower 2: ITS Fulfils Student Facilities Needs

The construction of the ITS Tower 2 Building, which has been going on for


ITS Welcomes the Visit of Andalas University regarding Digital Learning

The team of lecturers from the Department of Computer Engineering at the Faculty of


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