The Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FT-EIC) is a merger of two faculties in 2020, namely the Faculty of Electrical Technology (FTE) and the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Technology (FTIK). The merger of these two faculties had an impact on ORMAWA within them, so that a new ORMAWA was formed called BEM FT-EIC ITS which brings together the interests of all FT-EIC students with the realm of Social-Social work. Therefore, BEM FT-EIC ITS requires insight in the form of views and knowledge from other ORMAWA which will be useful for the continuation of BEM FT-EIC ITS activities. The Electic Visit is an effort by BEM FT-EIC ITS to be able to establish good relations with ORMAWA within ITS and outside ITS.
Organizational benchmarking is the process of comparing and evaluating the performance of an organization with the best organizations or best practices in the same industry or sector. The purpose of organizational benchmarking is to identify strengths, opportunities for improvement, and learning from other successful organizations. In practice, benchmarking involves comparing organizational performance in various aspects such as operations, strategy, processes, products, services, and finance.
BEM FT-EIC ITS conducted benchmarking with BEM FDKBD ITS on June 18 2023 in the ITS Interior Design Building with a total of 130 participants from both BEM Faculties. Benchmarking focuses on how to set a good branding strategy. The main points in this strategy are social media strategy, design and visual strategy, and human-oriented branding. The method used in this benchmarking is the presentation of both parties and the application of discussions to adjust the conditions of each faculty. In addition, a department comparison test was also carried out on the completeness of the BEM FT-EIC ITS.
Hope this activity be able to add new insights and improvement to ITS BEM FT-EIC functionaries. Insights regarding good media and branding management and focus on user satisfaction. Apart from that, we hope that there will be an ongoing collaboration between the two BEM Faculties for the benefit of carrying the name ITS.
Initiation of collaborative discussions with the Provincial Government’s DPMPTSP. Jakarta Special Region. This discussion was initiated by the
Prof. Adjie Pamungkas, S.T., M. Dev.Plg., Ph.D. (Dean of CIVPLAN ITS) and his staff, while from PT Adhi Karya
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has long been a crucible for future leaders, particularly through the Faculty of Intelligent