KSBL Pecuk

Kelompok Study Burung Liar PECUK

PECUK (Phalacrocoracidae) , one of the keyspecies of waterbird in the ponds that have a lot of ecological functions and maybe the phylosophy behind the name,as a strongest, best swimmer birds, the upper species in ecological phyramid and also bioindicator. From this, the students of Biology ITS which is falling in love with conservation and birds, we make a community to enhance our capabilities in conservation practices and connection between species and habitats also the human as superspecies in the ecosystem with the name of this species “PECUK” start in 2006. As a community, we have a lot of events such as birdwatching, community services, competition and join with seminar and competition in all around Indonesia. Our vision is “Creating a community that cares about the conservations of birds and their habitats in nature”


From a long journey, we also have  awards such as

  1. The 1st winner of Baluran Birdwatching Competition 2011, Baluran National park
  2. The 2nd winner of Baluran Birdwatching Competition 2012, Baluran National park
  3. The 2nd winner of the best sketch in Tahura R. Soeryo Birdwatching Competition 2012
  4. The winner of Design Logo Merapi Birdwatching Competition 2014


Beside the event that we already have it before, we also participate in campus and others activity, such as :

  1. Making Book “Buku Biodiversitas ITS : volume 1 : Burung” with the collaboration with ITS Ecocampus
  2. Burungnesia contributor, the application of birdwatching in Indonesia
  3. E-bird contributor, the application of birds datachecking from Cornell lab. Cornell university
  4. Participation in IWC (International Waterbird Census)
  5. Community services in Ujuang pangkah village in Gresik and Labuhan Village in Bangkalan and many others in seminar


As the community, we have our dreams that world will be better places not only for human, but for others living things specially for birds.

Lets do the collaboration and joining with us and encourage ourself as a part of the ecosystem

Stay tune in our instagram @ksblpecuk


Vivat Biologi

Vivat ITS

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