Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FScientics),
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya
The 2018-2023 curriculum syllabus has been prepared in accordance with the vision of the Bachelor Program on Biology Department to become a superior institution in biosciences and biotechnology in the field of environment and marine. This syllabus book includes descriptions, learning outcomes, subject matter, and bibliography used in each course that will be taught each semester. This book is printed to make it easy for lecturers to provide guidance to students in taking courses that suit their areas of interest, and courses that support the implementation of the final project.
The courses of Bachelor Program click here.
Plant Bioscience and Technology
Odd Semester
Even Semester
Animal Bioscience and Technology
Microbiology and Biotechnology
*) : Enrichment Courses
**) : included laboratory/field work
Please find the syllabus below: