It’s time to be productive and make way of success!
It’s time to be productive and make way of success!
Graduates of Biology Department of ITS have a wide opportunity to join and develop their career in private and state-owned enterprises, educational institution, research institution and others. The programs in Biology Department is enhanced to nurture future-ready graduates adaptable to the changing demands of the global economy. The alumni of Biology Department are now making their ways of success in the world.
Through the special curriculum that has been developed, Biology of ITS has equipped its graduates with the sciences to support them in the real work, for example: science of biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiology. Our alumni have worked in research institution such as Indonesia Institute of Science (LIPI) and National Agency of Drug and Food Control; as well as researcher for product development in several prominent private companies, i.e. PT. Bisi International, Tbk., PT. East West Seed Indonesia (Panah Merah) and many others.
For many people, working as lecturer or teacher is a soul calling. Many of our alumni has been fulfill their soul calling by working in private or state educational institution such as Airlangga University, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Universitas PGRI Madiun, University of Ronggolawe, Hasanuddin University, Bojonegoro University and many others.
A consultant is a professional who provides expert advice in a particular area; in this case is in biological area, particularly in ecology and environment, agriculture and microbial industry. Most of alumni that worked as consultant are freelance and hired by prominent company such as PT. Pertamina PHE-WMO, PT. Semen Indonesia, PT. Indonesia Power and many others. Other alumni have joined in consultant company such as PT. Mitra Hijau Indonesia, PT. Envilab Indonesia and many others.
Data scientist is professionals who use scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to translate structured or not-structured data so can be easily understood by other parties.
Many of our alumni have applied their biological knowledge in the wide varieties of entrepreneurship world. For examples are in the field of agriculture and veterinary (creating formulas and/or tools), food and beverages, wildlife photography, ecotourism and many others.
Laboratory technicians are work related to biology to prepare everything needed in the laboratory. In educational institutions both schools and colleges are often called ‘Laboran’. His job is to prepare tools and materials related to work in the laboratory. In addition, the functions of Laboratory Technicians are also to check equipment in the laboratory.
Graduates Workplace