The Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) held a working meeting to formulate strategic steps that could improve quality in the academic and non-academic fields within the Electics and Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). FAC focuses attention on discussing several aspects, namely academics, ethics, and Human Resources and Organizations (HRO).
The committee highlighted developments in the condition of internal stakeholder relations involving lecturers and students as well as relations with external stakeholders. The Ethics Commission has a major responsibility to ensure that interpersonal relationships within the faculty are harmonious, ethical, and have integrity.
In the area of the HRO Commission, lecturer resources as the main driver of the education system are the main focus. This is related to developments in lecturer promotion and lecturer learning assignment plans to improve the quality of learning. Then the Academic Commission provides an evaluation so that faculties and departments work together and are cooperative in providing academic services to students, together evaluating time limits and discussing student judiciary.
At the end of the meeting, the discussion entered the realm of changing the management of FAC members by the Decree of the Dean of Electics Number 785/IT2/T/HK.00.01/2022 dated 31 May 2022, concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Consideration Committee of the Faculty of Electrical Technology and Intelligent Informatics Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember explained that the KPF Management Period will end on December 31 2024. In line with these provisions, members agree that KPF member elections will be carried out by the requirements of ITS Chancellor’s Regulation Number 12 of 2016 concerning Procedures for Appointment and Dismissal of Members and Management of the Advisory Committee Faculty at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology.
photo session
In closing, the Advisory Committee for the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology hopes that the remaining time in the period that will end can be carried out well and smoothly. It is then hoped that the results of the discussion at this FAC meeting can provide a constructive evaluation as an effort to continue to improve the quality of academic and non-academic fields within the Electics environment.
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