The construction of the ITS Tower 2 Building, which has been going on for approximately 1 year, was finally inaugurated by the ITS Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng. IPU. A. Eng. on August 17 2023. ITS Tower 2 was established to provide student learning facilities, especially several new departments from the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FT-EIC). This is also motivated by the fact that in recent years ITS has opened new study programs (prodi) which have increased the number of ITS students. The new study programs opened by ITS are Telecommunication Engineering (Electrical Engineering Department), Artificial Intelligence Engineering (RKA) and Software Engineering (RPL) (Information Engineering Department) and Digital Innovation (Information Systems Department)
After being inaugurated, ITS Tower 2 began operating in the odd semester of this year and is used by 4 departments of FT-EIC, namely Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and the new Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications Engineering) study program. Academic activities that previously took place in the same building as other departments have now been moved. Students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Informatics (FT-EIC) from these four departments can now use the ITS Tower 2 building to support their academic activities. However, several rooms in the old building are still used by students for classes and laboratories.
Located between the Department of Electrical and Statistics, the Tower 2 building which consists of 11 floors has various different facilities on each floor. Starting from the 1st floor, there is a lobby, directors’ meeting room, VIP transit room and exhibition area. Then there is the 2nd floor which functions as the directors’ office, student services and auditorium. Followed by the laboratory on the 3rd floor and the lab. computers on the 9th floor, and there are classrooms on floors 4 to 8. Head of the Administration Subdivision, Ribut Suhartono, S.E. also explained that several new FT-EIC departments had classrooms on floors 4-8. “Floors 4-8 are used as classrooms, on the 5th floor there is the Department of Electrical Engineering, the 6th floor is the Computer Engineering Department, the 7th floor is the Information Technology Department, and the 8th floor is for the Biomedical Engineering Department,” he explained.
Apart from the facilities provided for students such as classrooms, laboratories and other facilities that support learning activities, this building also has a 10th floor which is used as a room for lecturers. Furthermore, on the 11th floor there is a multifunction room which has a capacity of up to 160 people.
Computer Engineering Department student, Syahrul Fathoni Ahmad also highlighted the superiority of the facilities in ITS Tower 2 compared to the previous building. “The atmosphere in ITS Tower 2 feels more modern than the previous building, including the first-class facilities. This of course increases effectiveness and efficiency in the learning process. “We hope that in the future it can be distributed evenly to several departments at FT-EIC, especially such as Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Information Technology, which previously still used classes from other departments,” he explained.
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