June 04, 2020 13:06


Oleh : itsedo | | Source : -

As in previous years, ITS has allocated special funds to accommodate creative and innovative ideas surrounding research and community service activities. Through the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM), ITS in 2020 provided several schemes to accommodate various proposal titles from the community members. Not only lecturers and students, educational staff are also given slick opportunities to participate in developing themselves in this research domain.

In 2020, as the beginning of the formation of the General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform (BURB), it has succeeded in making achievements in terms of research. Each subsection and section in BURB actively participated in the selection of this research grant. The title of the research proposal that is carried according to the uniqueness of their respective duties and functions. Of the several titles that were registered, there were two titles that were successful in obtaining ITS research grant funds.

Susi Agustina W, ST., MT. (Head of the Smart Eco Campus Development Unit) with a team consisting of IDAA Warmadewanthi ST., MT., Ph.D (Department of Environmental Engineering), Arseto Yekti Bagastyo, ST., MT., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Department of Environmental Engineering), and Mohammad Setyo (K3L Staff) successfully passed the selection through the Policy Study Research scheme. The title is carried out in accordance with the uniqueness of the K3L unit “Study of Waste Management System for Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) Educational Activities at ITS Campus”. The synergy between BURB and the Smart Eco Campus Unit and several other units is indeed a necessity to produce superior performance that is beneficial for ITS. According to Mrs. Susi, as the head of the research team, in general this research aims to identify the type and generation (amount) of B3 waste generated from all activities on the ITS campus, namely from laboratory activities as well as other academic activities and administration of the academic community. Furthermore, the planned management of the B3 waste begins with how the storage, collection and storage are in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia. The expectation of this research is an initial design of a good temporary storage place for ITS campus ITS waste and in accordance with the correct rules, to be further transported and processed by third parties who have permission to process B3 waste.

Not wanting to miss a good moment, Agus Santoso from the BURB Multimedia Archives and Documentation Subdivision also succeeded in passing a research entitled “Media Literacy Level of Archive Managers in the ITS Environment”. On this occasion Agus collaborated with Isminarti, ST (Archive Manager from the Department of Physics) who is also a National Achievement Archivist finalist to color research about the condition of archivists at ITS. This research succeeded in getting funding of Rp. 20 million. According to Agus, as the team leader, this research is expected to be able to illustrate how the competencies possessed by archive managers in the ITS environment. Archive management is an important profession that is very closely related to information management in every work unit at ITS. The implementation of the tupoksi will not run well if it is not accompanied by superior competence. Media literacy is one of the competencies that illustrates how archive managers are able to access, analyze, and communicate information, both in the form of conventional paper-based information and digital-based information. The archive manager who has a high level of media literacy is considered capable of managing information well. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide input on various policies on improving HR competency in ITS, especially for archives managers.

Head of the General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform, Drs. Ec. Murtriyono, M.Sc, expressed his hope that the two BURB staff who were successful in obtaining ITS research grant funds were able to ignite the enthusiasm and motivation of BURB staff. This is the beginning of the first year, there will be subsequent years that can be utilized by education staff to channel ideas and innovations in work. (agsan)

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