October 27, 2022 10:10

Improving Service Quality, ITS Raises Public Service Standards

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Ketua Komisi Informasi Publik Provinsi Jawa Timur Imadoeddin SSos Msi saat memaparkan materi mengenai standar pelayanan publik

Chairman of the Public Information Commission of East Java Province Imadoeddin SSos Msi when presenting material on public service standards

ITS Campus, ITS News – The Integrated Service Center (PLT) of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) continues to improve the preparation of public service standards to make it easier for stakeholders to get services. For this reason, PLT ITS held a discussion on the Responsiveness of the ITS Integrated Service Center in Public Services at the Public Consultation Forum activity at the ITS Rectorate Building, Wednesday (26/10).

Committed to providing the best service that is accountable, transparent, and certain, PLT ITS is now compiling service standards that are more concise with a one-door system. Applicants only need to apply for services through PLT ITS without the need to connect with other parties. “The service proposal will later be distributed by PLT to the authorized sector,” explained the Head of the ITS Bureau of General Affairs and Bureaucratic Reform (BURB), Drs Ec Murtriyono MSi.

However, this one-stop service needs improvement in the preparation of better standards, especially in the standards of public information requests. It was conveyed directly by the Chairman of the Public Information Commission of East Java Province, Imadoeddin SSos Msi, that there are several important requirements that must be considered in the standard of requesting public information.

Kepala Biro Umum dan Reformasi Birokrasi (BURB) ITS Drs Ec Murtriyono MSi saat menyampaikan sambutan

Head of the General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform (BURB) ITS Drs Ec Murtriyono MSi when delivering his speech

The first is the fulfillment of a complete and valid identity of the applicant. “Without a valid identity, the public body will not fulfill the request of the applicant,” he explained. Furthermore, Imadoeddin said, the applicant is also required to include a clear goal in obtaining the desired information or service.

According to him, the applicant’s goal is the most crucial and important thing for public bodies to reconsider. “If the applicant cannot explain with a clear purpose, then the public body is not allowed to provide the desired information service,” he reminded.

Kepala Biro Umum dan Reformasi Birokrasi (BURB) ITS Drs Ec Murtriyono MSi (kiri) menyerahkan cinderamata kepada Ketua Komisi Informasi Publik Provinsi Jatim Imadoeddin SSos MSi

The Head of the General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform (BURB) ITS Drs Ec Murtriyono MSi (left) handed over a souvenir to the Chairman of the East Java Provincial Public Information Commission Imadoeddin SSos MSi

Seluruh jajaran Badan Publik ITS pascapemaparan materi dan diskusi mengenai peninjauan ulang kinerja badan publik ITS

All ranks of the ITS Public Agency after the presentation of materials and discussions regarding the review of the performance of ITS public bodies

In his presentation, Imadoeddin added that public bodies are also allowed to obtain information or service assistance from third parties or other agencies through official assistance. If later there is a rejection of the application, then the public body is required to inform the information on the rejection in writing. “No verbal information is allowed,” he said.

Not only that, the applicant also has the right to provide aspirations or responses to the performance of a public body. “Public bodies are obliged to provide special media for applicants to convey their criticisms and suggestions on the performance of the public body,” he concluded.


Reporter: Frecia Elrivia Mardianto

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