By : Eda |
| Source : ITS Online
ITS Deputy Chancellor III Prof Dr Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng (left) with ITS Secretary Dr Ir Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc as moderator of the 2023 ITS Public Consultation Forum
ITS Campus, ITS News – As one of the front guards in technological innovation in Indonesia, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) continues to strive to improve its public services by integrating technology. For this reason, ITS is holding a 2023 Public Consultation Forum (FKP) to gather input from ITS public service users at the ITS Research Center Auditorium, Tuesday (11/7).
Over time, ITS is growing progressively so that the information provision and service needs are increasingly complex. For this reason, data design needs to be designed as simple as possible and easily accessible to the public.
In this regard, ITS held a Public Consultation Forum by inviting the Ombudsman of East Java Province, the Information Commission of East Java Province, a number of agencies using ITS services and representatives of the mass media.
ITS Deputy Chancellor III Prof. Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng when giving the opening and presentation of the material
Deputy Chancellor III ITS for Human Resources, Organization and Information System Technology Prof. Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng revealed, the strategy pursued by ITS was how to make excellence services. He said that by integrating technology systems like what ITS is trying to do through MyITS, it is a form of excellent service. “With MyITS this is a form of strategy to face the industrial revolution 4.0,” said the man who is familiarly called Doddy. Furthermore, according to Doddy, many changes have been realized by ITS in public services. One of the most impactful is the filing of diplomas. Previously, if you wanted to do the filing, you had to be in place and it cost quite a lot for transportation.
Gandhi Kesuma, one of the service users of the ITS Directorate of Global Partnerships (DKG) when expressing his appreciation for the satisfactory service he has received.
However, with the current online system, it can cut a lot of costs. “For example, our alumni (ITS, ed) who are in Saudi Arabia really feel the convenience of filing diplomas when they want to apply for a job,” added the lecturer of the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering after showing the video presentation of the testimony.
However, it is undeniable that the quality of public services at ITS is of course still unable to meet the full satisfaction of the public. So that ITS must continue to strive in developing its technology in order to produce excellent service. Technology development can also streamline human resources (HR), so that they can focus on one human resource for development.
Service development must continue to be carried out, including hospitality for people with disabilities. ITS itself has made efforts to visualize writing fonts that are more pleasing to the eye by increasing the font size. In the future, ITS will continue to seek to expand into voice services so that it is friendly to people with hearing impairments.
The participants and resource persons in the Public Consultation Forum (FKP) ITS 2023 after the event
In order to bridge service providers and ITS service users, before closing the event an interactive discussion session was also opened by inviting six ITS services namely from faculty services, Directorate of Human Resources and Organizations (SDMO), Directorate of Education, Directorate of Global Partnerships (DKG), Legal Services Unit and Risk Management (ULHPR) and ITS Integrated Service Center (PLT). The discussion session is intended to provide an overview of ITS services that have been running so far. It was observed that the discussion session ran smoothly with various inputs, comments, and appreciation for each service at ITS. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Silvita Pramadani
ITS Excellent Service Level through Public Consultation Forums By : Eda | 7 | Source : ITS Online ITS
In improving excellent service through the integrated service system of PLT-BURB ITS as well as launching MyITS services
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