PAPTI Award 2024 Competition – The Indonesian University Archives Association (PAPTI) is an association of university archives and individuals working in the field of archives in Indonesia. Founded in 2015, PAPTI aims to foster the development of archives in higher education institutions.
PAPTI’s members are university archives and individuals who are practitioners in the field of archives. PAPTI consistently holds congresses involving experts to address the dynamics and changes in the profession as well as developments in information science in general and archives in particular.
PAPTI’s mission is to promote awareness of the importance of archives in higher education, to improve the management of university archives, and to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and best practices among its members.
PAPTI Award is a program aimed at innovating Higher Education Archivists. It is a place to showcase work and achievements for the performance and innovation that Archivists/Archive Managers have done for their organizations. In addition, this program also provides awards to Heroes of Archival Insan for the dedication of archival figures to the world of archival in Indonesia.
ITS Archives participated in a series of PAPTI Award 2024 Anugerah Insan Kearsipan competition activities with the theme “Utilization of Archive Metadata for the Development of ITS Inspiration Applications to support the development of ZI WBK in the ITS environment”. The competition will take place from August 5, 2024 to the final stage on September 28, 2024. The announcement of the championship was announced at the ICoASHE (International Conference on Archives, Social Science, Humanities and Education) event at the University Club (UC) Hotel Universitas Gadjah Mada. We from ITS Archives managed to win 2nd place, of course this achievement is thanks to the cooperation of the ITS Archives Team who always care and innovate in saving archives and archival services in the ITS environment, as well as public archives that can be accessed by users outside ITS.
#PAPTI Award 2024 Competition
PAPTI Award 2024 Competition – The Indonesian University Archives Association (PAPTI) is an association of university archives and individuals
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