BURB profile

The General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform (BURB) is in charge of official script management, improving the quality of public services, developing direction for digital archive management, E-Caraka and work safety. Regarding the role, BURB has a role to support the development of the ITS integrity zone, including enforcing regulations, increasing the capacity and accountability of bureaucratic performance, ITS organizational governance according to the GUG principles, organizing a clean and KKN-free organization, right sizing organizations, HR integrity, neutral, competent, capable, professional, high-performing and prosperous in the ITS environment in order to help ITS achieve its vision and mission.

The General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform has the task of strengthening my ITS Office for digital manuscript management, digital multimedia archives, secretarial services between organizational levels, integrated service centers to coordinate services between units, standardization of occupational health and environmental safety at ITS.

Main Duties and Functions of the Work Unit

The General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform has the following duties:

  1. Preparing the formulation and implementing policies in the general sub-sector and bureaucratic reform.
  2. Organizing work programs that are in line with policies in the general sub-sector and bureaucratic reform.
  3. Evaluate and report on the performance of work programs in the general sub-sector and bureaucratic reform.
  4. Carrying out excellent service in the general field and bureaucratic reform in accordance with the principles of bureaucracy and the integrity zone.

The General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform carries out the following functions:

  1. Formulation of planning, governance, and general sub-sector services and bureaucratic reform.
  2. Preparation of materials for the preparation of guidelines and technical guidelines for bureaucratic reform policies.
  3. Coordinating the implementation of the bureaucratic reform program
    Administration and equality.
  • Management of administrative

  1. Management of administrative services and modern office management.
  2. Management of conventional and electronic based correspondence management.
  3. Management and use of general and digital administration.
  • Multimedia archives and documentation

  1. Management of archives management and multimedia documentation.
  2. Fostering archives and creating a national movement that is aware of the most archives.
  3. Implementation of bureaucratic reform.
  • Integrated service center

  1. Management and development of integrated service units.
  2. Coordinating and integrating all information services through the role of an integrated service unit.
  • Occupational safety, health and environment

  1. Planning and development of safety, occupational health and environmental systems.
  2. Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting on the implementation of work and environmental programs.
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