The General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform (BURB) is in charge of official script management, improving the quality of public services, developing direction for digital archive management, E-Caraka and work safety. Regarding the role, BURB has a role to support the development of the ITS integrity zone, including enforcing regulations, increasing the capacity and accountability of bureaucratic performance, ITS organizational governance according to the GUG principles, organizing a clean and KKN-free organization, right sizing organizations, HR integrity, neutral, competent, capable, professional, high-performing and prosperous in the ITS environment in order to help ITS achieve its vision and mission.
The General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform has the task of strengthening my ITS Office for digital manuscript management, digital multimedia archives, secretarial services between organizational levels, integrated service centers to coordinate services between units, standardization of occupational health and environmental safety at ITS.
The General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform has the following duties: