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April 25, 2022 13:04:00

Revolution of Service Excellent  Happiness at Work, Happiness with Team, Happiness with Customer   Author & business management expert, Ni Wayan Suwithi, excellent service is the best service provided

April 25, 2022 13:04:00

ITS Integrated Service Center (PLT) Comparative Study to the Integrated Service Center (ISC) IPB University The ITS Integrated Service Center conducted a comparative study at the Integrated Service Center

April 25, 2022 13:04:00

Static archives are identical to archives containing historical records. How important is the archive which contains historical value, if it is not saved then the history will be lost.

April 25, 2022 13:04:00

On Monday, April 11, 2022, Multimedia Archives and Documentation were surprised by an impromptu visit from next door neighbors, namely the Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic (PPNS) and the Surabaya

April 25, 2022 13:04:00

  Head of BUBR ITS Drs Ec Murtriyono MS (third from left), Head of ITS Bureaucratic Reform Implementation Ir Ucik Maharani MT (three from right) and staff at the

BURB > Page 2
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