History of OHS ITS

In 2017 the HRO Directorate was formed, because in national standards, every university that has workers must have OHS, then at that time OHS was one of the work programs of the Sub.Dit. Organization. Slowly start conducting OHS training, emergency simulations, and fire extinguisher data collection, in which we repeat the activity every year to raise awareness and habits to be on standby in case of an emergency. In 2020 OHS becomes a new unit on the ITS campus. Under the General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform, in the Bureaucracy Reform Section. We hope to get the support and cooperation of the entire academic community to build an ASEAN-standard OHS culture.


  • Become a reliable, responsive and reliable K3 Unit.
  • Pressing the level of work accidents so that the welfare of the academic community is achieved.


  • Become a reliable K3 officer and care for others to support the K3 program in accordance with ITS policy.
  • Creating a conducive, healthy and safe working atmosphere.
  • Invite and foster a climate of care and awareness of OSH in the ITS environment.

Main Duties and Functions of ITS HSE

The Subdivision of Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment has the following duties:
a. to foster, direct, and develop the competence and talent of personnel within the work unit;
b. to implement work programs and activities that align with policies in the scope of occupational safety, health, and environment;
c. to report the performance results of work programs and activities within the scope of occupational safety, health, and environment; and
d. to provide excellent services in the scope of occupational safety, health, and environment with the principles of bureaucratic reform and integrity zone;

In carrying out the duties, the Subdivision of Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment performs the following functions:
a. drafting the campus occupational safety and health system;
b. measuring and developing risk mitigation plans for workplace accidents and disasters;
c. managing and maintaining safety, health, and environmental infrastructure;
d. conducting socialization and education to raise awareness of occupational safety and health and environmental readiness for disaster response;
e. coordinating and enhancing the competence of the emergency response team;
f. actively monitoring hygiene in campus canteens and street vendors;
g. granting permits and supervising activities or projects with high risk; and
h. fostering safety and health teams within each unit on campus.

Our Contact

Website : https://intip.in/itsk3l
Email : k3litssurabaya@gmail.com
Ticketing : servicedesk.its.ac.id
Call center : 031 5917 3000 (skk)
Twitter : @K3L_ITS_SBY
IG : @k3l.its
Facebook : K3L ITS Surabaya
YouTube : K3L ITS

Our Apps :

– HaloK3L : intip.in/apphalok3

– ITS Safety Guide : intip.in/appsafetyguide

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