There are many housing and dining accommodation options to choose from for your home both inside and outside the campus. Our campus provides student dormitory, rooms to rent even a guest house for families of students who come to ITS.
There are many housing and dining accommodation options to choose from for your home both inside and outside the campus. Our campus provides student dormitory, rooms to rent even a guest house for families of students who come to ITS.
For those who come from outside Java island and outside the city of Surabaya, ITS provides excellent accommodations for housing and dining such as the student dormitories which prioritized for new students from outside Surabaya. Rooms available in the student dormitory, there is a wide array of its own which type, double, and single. For which type of rooms, one room can be filled by four people. Whereas in type double, one room can be filled by two people. On one single type may be filled by one person.The cost of the rent of the rooms varies starting from Rp. 1,925,000 per 11 months/person for which type of rooms for bidikmisi students to Rp. 10,450,000 per 11 months/person for a double room plus single used on the 2nd floor. With these prices, you have got rooms with mattresses, clothes closet, closet and desk study, electrical and water facilities, wi-fi, and a large mirror placed in the room. Some of the rooms also have a bathroom inside the room, the rest use the shared bathroom which is available on each floor. The facilities also include a study room with tables, chairs, and a fan of a comfortable and relaxing room equipped with television, in each building, cafeteria, small mosque parking lot motorcycle or car, minimarket, and laundry that still in the dorm environment.Student Dormitory also safe because it has fairly strict security. With a beautiful environment, hygiene at the student dormitory is also very secure.For more details, visit
In addition to student dormitories, ITS also has a student dormitory that caters to international students‘ housing and dining needs. The international dormitory is located in block J, housing ITS Lecturers which located in front of the Department of statistics. In addition to an environment with only filled by international students, International Dormitories also have additional facilities such as a TV room/guest, fridge, dining room, Wifi, bathroom outside, washing machines, and Pantry. While facilities within the rooms themselves, the student will get a fairly spacious room complete with mattress, table and chairs, closet, study the mirror, clothesline is small and the bathrooms in the rooms.The residents can also easily walk around 3 minutes to the nearest mini-market i.e. K1 Mart or eating places available in a residential area of Block J, which ITS Professors are a 3-minute walk from the dormitory.
Another form of housing and dining for ITS students, room rentals around ITS spread in the triangle area, i.e., Mulyosari, Gebang, and Keputih. Prices vary based on the type kost. Start from IDR 300,000 per month to over one million. Depending on the facility and its location. In addition to the triangle area ITS in, ITS students can also rent rooms kost in housing ITS lecturers with a more secure because security is located inside the campus. Although prices in housing ITS lecturers are usually relatively higher with room rental rates start from IDR 1,000,000 per month for a room with air conditioner, but the mileage was closer to and guarantee the security of the room making kost in the housing (Lecturer perumdos) ITS great demand.
A wide choice of apartments for students’ housing and dining also began to appear around ITS campus. For students who are more comfortable to live in apartments with security and privacy more awake, the apartment is the right choice. Around ITS there are several options, including the apartment;
For the purposes of housing and dining accommodation within a short time as a place of stay for parents or relatives who visit, ITS provides lodging in ITS campus. Lodging in ITS has few guesthouses and is available in two Guest House, namely, Gougenville Guest House and Jasmine Guest House. Bougenville Guest House located on the architectural engineering street Block H-8, 10, 12 Complex Housing ITS Lecturers, while Jasmine Guest House located at the civil engineering street block I no. 19 Residential complexes of ITS Lecturers.Each of the guest houses supported a wide range of facilities to ensure guests ‘ comfort. Some of the facilities, either in Bougenville Guest House or Jasmine Guest House, including air conditioner, a 21-inch-sized TV, refrigerator, and coffee or tea. In addition, the guest house-guest house is well away from the crowds and noise so as to create an atmosphere of quiet and comfortable.
There are so many places to eat on our campus, two of them are the biggest one, it’s Central Cafeteria and ITS Student Dormitory Cafeteria.The central cafeteria is the cafeteria dining Center is one of ITS’s Student favorite. Adjacent to the tower and SCIENCES Office ATM BNI, Central cafeteria provides a great selection of food such as chicken soup, Nasi Padang, Geprek Chicken, rice, Sushi, Grilled Meatballs, Waffle Gado-Gado, Penyetan, and many more.In addition to a variety of food booths, ITS Centre canteen also offers a variety of beverages ranging from packaging to drink fresh juices. With prices starting from Rp. 5000 for food and Rp. 3,000 for drinks, the visitor of center cafeteria can already fill the stomach in a cozy cafeteria.ITS Student Dormitory Cafeteria is one of the favorite places to eat the Student boarder ITS provides delicious food that can be easily reached by a border or users of ITS student dormitory halls. In the dormitory cafeteria is available a wide range of foods such as penyetan, geprek, and Chicken Meatballs. There is also the peddlers drink good drinks instant or fresh fruit juice. With prices starting from Rp. 10.000 to food and IDR 3,000 for drinks, the students can already Scotch stomach without needing all the way out.The users of ITS student dormitory halls as well as the border can also comfortably dine at chairs and tables provided in the dormitory Hall area. In addition, wifi access is available that can be used by all the civitas academica ITS.
See the locations and the accommodation choices around ITS through maps below. Find your second home in ITS!