Feel the Warmth of Second Family with TPKB ITS
One of the student’s biggest concern is lonely. Far from home and family make them feel lost. There is an organization that works in Buddhist religion field in ITS called ITS Buddhist Development Team or TPKB ITS. With TPKB, you will find your “second family” in ITS so you will not feel lonely.
This organization was established in 1990 with a vision to be a Buddhist organization that will form a noble human with professionalism and excels in unity, wisdom, and morality. To reach that, TPKB ITS has missions to develop students so they can obey Buddha Darma as a high-quality Buddhist student, weld brotherhood and kinship with other Buddhist student in ITS, solidify relationship among TPKB member, create a habit based on Buddha, manifest happiness of living things, develop an active role and participation role of Buddhist student on organization, and erase sect differences. Based on the vision and mission of TPKB, by participating in TPKB ITS, Buddhist student in ITS can develop their own potential as big as possible based on Buddha Darma. Besides that, ITS Buddhist student will have a new family. With these, they will not be lost anymore.
Activities of ITS Buddhist Development Team (TPKB ITS)
After knowing the vision and mission of ITS Buddhist Development Team (TPKB ITS), it grows the curiosity to know the activities that are held by TPKB. Every Friday, TPKB ITS held a routine meet up called Friday Meeting. Yet, because of the pandemic of Covid-19 students can’t meet up, so they use an online platform. They meet online every Saturday. TPKB also held a Welcome Party to introduce freshmen to TPKB. Not only introducing TPKB, but they also introduce the Surabaya Buddhist Family to the freshmen, so they also know Buddhist organizations outside ITS. Not only activity in Surabaya, but TPKB also held an activity called Bakti Dhamma where they bring Buddhist students outside Surabaya to learn about meditation and other useful and informative information. The long-awaited activity, games, also included. Besides internal activities, TPKB ITS also participated in charity. In this activity, TPKB members do raise funding to giveaway groceries for people in need. TPKB held this activity with big hopes that they can help others.
Not only building an internal relationship, but TPKB ITS also builds a relationship outside the campus. On many activities, TPKB ITS builds a relationship outside ITS with Surabaya Buddhist Student Family. They maintain their relationship by doing a visit and collaboration. TPKB ITS members participate as a volunteer for activities that are held by Buddhist organization.