Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Information Technology

Opening Dialogue: Faculty Coordination with KIPK Scholarship Recipients at F-ELECTICS ITS

A coordination meeting was held to address academic and non-academic issues faced by students


Sustainable IoT RO-PVO Innovation Secures IEEE Funding

A remarkable achievement has been attained by a team of students led by a


Never tired of achieving, “Include Technology” has succeeded in spreading its wings on the international stage

Starting from winning the 1st place award in the IdenTIK (Indonesia Entrepreneur ICT) competition


First Doctoral Graduate of ITS Information Systems

On Wednesday, February 7, 2024, the first Doctoral Promotion Session was held for the


Signing of Collaboration between Faculty of Electics ITS and PT Spentera

  The signing ceremony for the collaboration between the Smart Electrical and Informatics Technology


Achievement and dedication, FT-EIC Students Selected as ITS MAWAPRES Finalists in 2024

Biomedical Engineering Department student, Isabelle Jessica Tjitalaksana, succeeded in achieving the finalist position in


Electics Excels in the ITS Chancellor’s Beginning of the Year Speech

Entering the new year 2024 as well as the Even Semester of the 2023/2024


Unlimited Creativity, Enthusiasm for ITSprovement 7 Year 2023

ITSprovement (ITS Improvement) is an annual ideas and innovation competition event organized by the


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