
ELECTICS ITS Webinar Series #18: Holographic Sensing on Image

Surabaya, 18 December 2020 To introduce research in the field of cryptography and coding


Professor of F-ELECTICS ITS Receives an Award from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On December 1, 2020, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a list of


Sosialisasi PO PAK Secara Daring di Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan ITS

Dalam rangka mengakselerasi kenaikan jabatan fungsional dan pangkat akademik dosen-dosen di lingkungan Fakultas Teknologi


FTK Becomes the Host of ITS Lustrum XII (ITS 60th Dies Natalis)

Lustrum XII logo or ITS 60th Dies Natalis introduced in the opening of the


CLON, Home Study E-Learning for Disabled made by ITS Student

July 12, 2020 During the pandemic condition, the learning process often carried out through


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