TT-Techno Temperature app that can measure and record body temperature using Flir Lepton camera
Portraits of ITS students’ innovations that were successfully funded at 2020 KBMI, Scammics (above) and
Dekan of the Fakultas Vokasi ITS, Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc PhD ITS
ITS Campus, ITS News – The results of the entrance exam of the International Undergraduate
Data that each user needs to fill in to create an account ITS Campus,
ITS Campus, ITS News – The increase in Covid-19 cases in industrial clusters has caught
The ITS Sansboss Team leader, Achmad Ali Ulumuddin, shows the KOMBO design on a
(from left) Faiq Sina Alfian and Fikri Azrur Arif Maulana demonstrate their team’s idea
Laboratories1. Programming Laboratory2. Architecture and Computer Networking Laboratory3. Intelligent System Laboratory4. Vision, Image Processing,
Observing the spread of Covid-19 which shows that it tends to increase, including on
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