Surabaya, 18 December 2020 To introduce research in the field of cryptography and coding
On December 1, 2020, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a list of
Dalam rangka mengakselerasi kenaikan jabatan fungsional dan pangkat akademik dosen-dosen di lingkungan Fakultas Teknologi
Lustrum XII logo or ITS 60th Dies Natalis introduced in the opening of the
July 12, 2020 During the pandemic condition, the learning process often carried out through
The FTEIC Volly Team when competing in the 62nd Anniversary of ITS In
Here is our meeting documentation on March 25th,2020Regards,ITS COVID19 Technical Preparedness Team PPT File
Mencetak Engineer Mesin Terbaik Masa DepanBidang Teknik Mesin beroperasi di batas pengetahuan tentang sains
Pada hari senin, tanggal 14 Maret 2019 siswa sebanyakl…..