
Hold an International Meeting, FTEIC Strengthens Partnership with Professors from CSU

Surabaya, 8 June 2020 Continue improve international recognition and expand networkings with foreign university,


Hold an International Meeting, FTEIC Strengthens Partnership with Professors from CSU

Surabaya, 8 June 2020 Continue improve international recognition and expand networkings with foreign university,


Covid-19 Monitoring Application by ITS Lecturer Teams Received by IEEE SIGHT Special Covid-19 Projects

The  Lecturer Team of Institut Teknologgi Sepuluh Nopember in collaboration with the Institute of


ITS Achieved the World’s Ranking in the Subject of Computer Science Based on the version of THE

ITS Campus, ITS News – The efforts of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) towards


Congratulations, Two ITS Creations Become National Innovation Products

The Covid-19 Research and Innovation Consortium, which was proposed by the Ministry of Research


Commitment of ABS Provided Scholarships for FTK Students in 2019

The 2019 ABS Scholarship awarding event was held on Wednesday February 19, 2020 in


ITS and BPPT Conduct Collaborate On “National Research in Maritime Field”

Oriented to Indonesia Maritime Affairs, the Faculty of Marine Technology – ITS continues to


ClassNK Award 2019

ClassNK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai) which is the world ship classification organization, based in Tokyo,


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