Ahmad Zaenuri Dahlan Putra, a student of the Information Systems Department who is often
The 126th graduation ceremony on the second day of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute
One of the FTEIC students succeeded in making the name of the Sepuluh
Informatics Engineering, one of the departments in the Faculty of Electrical Technology and Intelligent
Huda Fatchur Rohman, Electrical Engineering Student of the Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent
The Faculty of Electrical Technology and Intelligent Informatics presents the work of F-ELECTICS
The International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application or ISTIA is an event
Benchmarking or comparative study is an activity to study at a place or institution
July 12, 2020 During the pandemic condition, the learning process often carried out through
More than half a century Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has dedicated itself to