As the host of the 2022 Indonesian Robot Contest, ITS wants to share the
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) launched a new study program, namely Telecommunication Engineering
Institut teknologi Sepuluh Nopember(ITS) does not stop making innovations in the field of technology.
Fundamental or a strong foundation is needed by student organizations (Ormawa) to be able
As a new faculty, the result of a combination of two faculties at ITS,
With a passion for expanding relationships, BEM FTEIC ITS collaborates by inviting BEM FTIRS
At the beginning new academic year, new students at the faculty of Intelligent Electrical
To be a guide in Student Management Skills Training (LKMM) requires special skills. To
The launching of the ITS 2019 Robot Team was attended by the ITS Chancellor,
Six departments and eight family study programs of the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and
The Covid-19 Research and Innovation Consortium, which was proposed by the Ministry of Research
Dekan of the Fakultas Vokasi ITS, Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc PhD ITS
Kampus ITS, ITS News – Kabar gembira kembali datang dari Departemen Magister Manajemen Teknologi (MMT)