Di ruang kelas (Smart Class) P 103 dan P 104 Departemen Teknik Fisika, pada
One more achievement made by one of the FTEIC students. In the DERRICK 2022
On Sunday, January 15, 2023, the Medical Technology Study Program, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
On October 10, 2022, Stanford University and Elsevier Report released the Top 2% Scientists
Six departments and eight family study programs of the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and
The Abmas Team of the Electro Automation Department (DTEO) Vocational Faculty ITS Supports Garbage
The team from the Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Faculty of Vocational Studies, ITS succeeded
The Abmas Team from the Department of Industrial Machinery, Vocational Faculty, ITS Helps Increase
In the world of student affairs, the existence of an organization has become an
The Lecturer Team of Institut Teknologgi Sepuluh Nopember in collaboration with the Institute of
On April 12, 2019, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng has been appointed and
The first lecture of the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Information Technology with the
Komisi Informasi Pusat Republik Indonesia in collaboration with the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and