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July 12, 2020
During the pandemic condition, the learning process often carried out through online media. Unfortunately current learning media that available in general are still difficult to access by students with special needs. Departing from this problem, five students of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) develop an application called Claster Of Education (CLON) to help people with disabilities go through the online learning process.
The e-learning application that was created for sufferers of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can facilitate teaching and learning activities for Special School Students (SLB) by taking and give methods where the student work on a question about implementing good ethical behavior through interesting image visualization. The team leader, Hafizh Muhammad Rozaan explains that students will be guided and then getting reward for their achievements. “This requires coordination with parents,” he said.
The application that developed by Hafizh Muhammad Rozaan, Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid, Galih Syifa’ul Ummah, Cahyo Aji Roliono, and Yohanes Jose Ariawan has four main feature that is useful for the learning needs of SLB Students. Those features are Learning Journey, Quiz, Personal Development, and Social Experience.
The Learning Journey feature contains learning activities such as letters recognition, numbers recognition, and color recognition. By doing assignments on that day, students will get a number of points. Meanwhile, in the Quiz feature which is a daily feature where students can do this once a day, students will be given a test regarding personality questions. After answering the quiz, students will get a reward as a form of appreciation.
This application also comes with the Self Development feature where student can improve their visual abilities and sensitivity of the left brain by solving puzzling with a unique and interesting form of images. Not only that, in the Social Experience feature students are guided to implement positive attitudes in the surrounding environment so students are expected to be able to maintain their emotional stability in a positive atmosphere by doing the action of basic manners or 5S (smile, greetings, and politeness).
The main features in the CLON application main feature displayed on smartphones devices
The application that won Gold Medal in the International Online Competition Inventions vs Corona event organized by the International Federation of Inventors’ Association (IFIA) also has some additional feature called a report that will send a graphic of student development ased on their completed task to the third party. Which can subsequently process directly and created a conclusion whether students experience improved brain performance or not.
As an application with concept that claimed to have never existed before, CLON will implement machine learning in their system so the application will be able to classify students’ intelligence levels based on their test result in four main feature into a database. “The better the student work on the test our application will give more advanced level of question the next day according to their IQ abilities, and vice versa,” explain Hafizh.
Gold Medal Certificate won by Hafizh Muhammad Rozaan, Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid, Galih Syifa’ul Ummah, Cahyo Aji Roliono, and Yohanes Jose Irawan from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Gold Medal Certificate won by Hafizh Muhammad Rozaan, Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid, Galih Syifa’ul Ummah, Cahyo Aji Roliono, and Yohanes Jose Irawan from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
In the design and developing phase of the application, the team that consisted by the students from Departement of Civil Infrastructure Engineering and the Department of Information System divided their jobs task according to their respective expertise.
Yohanes Jose Ariawan, Student from Department of Information System and Full Stack Software Developer of CLON revealed that the main challenge he must face in the process was the time that is limited. “We need to work on the application within six days,” he said.
Backend and CLON Developer Frontend, Yohanes Jose Ariawan together with the prototype of his application
Successfully winning awards on the international level, the man who is familiarly called Jose admitted he felt grateful and happy about his achievement. He also stated that the experience is a valuable learning process for him. “We hope that we can be an inspiration for everyone to keep learning and endlessly innovate things for our future,” the third year student concluded. (rys)
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