The PPKS Task Force team from ITS and Unair, along with the academic community from F-SAD and FT-EIC, held a PPKS socialization session in the ITS Rectorate meeting room
Sexual violence on campus is no longer just an issue but a serious challenge that needs to be addressed wisely and decisively. At Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), the issue of sexual violence on campus is handled by the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS). This task force is responsible for providing reporting channels and offering support to victims. One of the preventive efforts undertaken is holding socialization sessions, which this time involved the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (F-SAD) and the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FT-EIC) along with their academic communities, the Chairperson of PPKS and its members, and participants from these two faculties.
Dr. Susi Agustina Wilujeng, S.T., M.T., who currently serves as the Chairperson of the ITS PPKS Task Force, replacing Dr. Aliyah since May 2024, emphasized the role of the task force in creating a safe and inclusive campus environment.
“We have provided various easily accessible reporting channels, including via email at, Instagram at satgasppks.its, and online complaint services through,” stated Dr. Susi Agustina Wilujeng, S.T., M.T.
The Dean of F-SAD, Prof. Hamzah Fansuri, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., and the Dean of FT-EIC, Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama, S.T., M.T., fully support this initiative. Prof. Hamzah highlighted the need for a deeper understanding of appropriate behavior boundaries in an academic setting to prevent sexual violence. Meanwhile, Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama reaffirmed ITS’s commitment to eradicating all forms of sexual violence and creating a safe environment for the entire academic community.
Prof. Dra. Myrtati Dyah Artaria, M.A., Ph.D., as the Chairperson of the Unair PPKS Task Force, delivering a presentation on PPKS to the academic community of F-SAD and FT-EIC ITS
Prof. Dra. Myrtati Dyah Artaria, M.A., Ph.D., as the Chairperson of the PPKS Task Force from Universitas Airlangga (Unair), firmly underscored the urgency of PPKS education in the campus environment. The goal is to provide a deep understanding of various forms of sexual violence, whether verbal, non-physical, physical, or occurring through information and communication technology. This step is crucial so that the entire academic community can be more sensitive to this issue and ready to act decisively in preventing and addressing cases that arise.
According to Prof. Myrtati, there are 21 forms of sexual violence regulated in the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation (Permendikbudristek) Number 30 of 2021. However, many cases go unreported because victims feel scared or ashamed.
“This fear is often caused by the higher position or power of the perpetrator,” said Prof. Myrtati. Therefore, education and support for victims are essential so they have the courage to step forward and report.
With socialization and concrete steps, ITS is committed to being a role model in the prevention and handling of sexual violence in higher education environments and to creating a safe and comfortable campus environment for everyone.
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Prof. Adjie Pamungkas, S.T., M. Dev.Plg., Ph.D. (Dean of CIVPLAN ITS) and his staff, while from PT Adhi Karya
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has long been a crucible for future leaders, particularly through the Faculty of Intelligent