Discussion session of LKMM Guard Training
LKMM FT-EIC III Guide Training will be held from 27 May to 5 June 2023 at Tower 1 Menara Sains. LKMM or Student Managerial Skills Training is training specifically for becoming a guide. Guides have the main task of providing managerial-related training such as LKMM Pre TD, LKMM TD, and LKMM TM to FT-EIC students. Within this scope, participants of PP LKMM III FT-EIC are provided with supplies such as knowledge about LKMM, maturation of soft skills, and other useful things to support their readiness to become an LKMM guide in the future. This activity was attended by participants from all departments in FT-EIC.
With the goal of becoming a guide that has been described, the main requirement to become a guide is a strong desire and high interest in learning managerial issues and being willing to share these insights with other students. From a total of 40 applicants consisting of departments in FT-EIC ITS, they will be screened to become 23 FT-EIC guides. Guides are part of the completeness of the BEM FT-EIC ITS and get the benefits as they should be members of the BEM FT-EIC ITS, especially regarding self-development in the managerial field
The activity was carried out for four days with an arrangement of activities arranged to support the development of the participant’s abilities. At this event, BEM FT-EIC ITS invited FT-EIC ITS alumni guides and collaborated with presenters who were members of the ITS guide. Participants received some material on the first day, such as theme analysis, the nature of learning, the nature of LKMM and scouting, and needs analysis and LKMM design. Participants received some material on the second day, such as Module Analysis and Bulkonah, Guide, and Participant Analysis Insights, and KDKO + TMD. Participants received several materials on the third day, such as Short Lectures + Techniques for Giving Instructions, Body Language, Personal Branding Insights, and Guide Coordinating Body. On the fourth day, a total simulation was carried out as a form of implementation of what the participants had gained while attending PP LKMM from the first day to the third day. This activity was closed with a contemplation session and a group photo. This activity produced 23 Guides for class 2021 FT-EIC ITS.
The hope of this training is that it can provide a platform for continuous self-development for ITS FT-EIC students because in the future these guides will become program managers. Regeneration is carried out by each batch at FT-EIC, which is now the turn of the 2021 class students to prepare managerial programs for the generations below. There is also great hope for increased participation and awareness of the importance of managerial skills for future post-campus abilities.
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Pada Jumat tanggal 10 Desember 2025 Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan Periode 2025-2029 Bpk Dr. Ing. Ir. Setyo Nugroho untuk