myITS Classroom is an online learning media from ITS that contains information about course materials, learning videos, and assignments. MyITS Classroom can be accessed by both lecturers and all ITS students.
ITS Academic Information System (SI Akademik) is a media that contains academic information including student transcripts to submission of student letters that can be accessed by lecturers and students, as well as the ITS academic community.
Scholarship Management Information System is an e-service that is used by students, departmental and faculty administration units to obtain information, the application process, and the selection of scholarships managed by the institution.
Students can print books for final assignments, theses, theses, and dissertations through myITS Printing. Apart from being easy for users, it is also facilitated in the library-free process to distribute to the ITS Library and Study Programs directly by ITS Press.
To support online learning activities, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November provides myITS Presensi as a medium for recording attendance for students by entering the attendance code or scanning the QR Code provided.
SI Prestasi records all achievement data that has been achieved by students, a list of achievement verification, and a list of students who have successfully made achievements at ITS. All achievements are summarized and can be accessed immediately.
Student Extracurricular Activity Unit is a system that aims to regulate student activities in improving soft skills through extracurricular activities. The SKEM points are validated by the lecturer through myITS account.
Not only students, internet access services can also be used by guests in the ITS environment. By creating a username and password, the owner of myITS can create guest access with a predetermined duration.
myITS Student Connect is a student application related to student portfolios, SKEM, and student portfolio verification. The filled portfolio includes competition activities, student exchanges, and entrepreneurship.
ITS Student Organization Management Information System is a management application for student organization activities of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology which can be accessed by three representatives from each Student Organization.
One of the services obtained by the ITS community is internet access. So that wherever students find internet access on campus, by activating the Internet access service on their myITS account students can use it freely at any time.
Students can make Zoom Webinars with Webinar Booking services, besides that the entire ITS academic community can also use it for webinars and open talks with a capacity of 500 to 1000 participants easily.