Profile Sigit Prayitno

Profile Sigit Prayitno, A.Md.

Staff Name Sigit Prayitno, A.Md.
NIP 1988201821387
Function Assistant Treasurer for Expenditures
  1. Arrange the draft RBA and UMK and submit to the Unit Head
  2. Enter the submission of RBA and UMK through a Financial SIM
  3. Disbursing MSEs
  4. Distribute unit funds according to needs / requests
  5. Conduct checks and bill payments
  6. Prepare a Tax Payment Letter (SSP) document
  7. Making tax payments from transactions made
  8. Scan and document Tax Payment Letters (SSP)
  9. Enter data and upload tax deposit letters to the Financial SIM
  10. Submit a tax deposit to the Expenditure Treasurer
  11. Make a monthly SPJ list
  12. Arrange and process accountability (SPJ)
  13. Make financial records to daily journals and ledgers
  14. Enter financial data through a Financial SIM
  15. Prepare financial accountability reports
  16. Submit and explain the details of the monthly SPJ to the Commitment Making Officer (PPK)
  17. Submit and explain the details of the monthly SPJ to the Internal Audit Office
  18. Return the remaining unit funds through the Bank to the Deputy Chancellor II’s account
  19. Report financial records to the leadership periodically
  20. Store and maintain budget expenditure documents
  21. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or to help other colleagues