ICCI is an international design conference held every two years by Product Design Departement – Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya. The goal of ICCI is to accommodate and present the latest issues in
the creative industry and digital business that come from the views of various parties related to the creative industry and from various disciplines. The 1st ICCI was held on March 11, 2011 in Sanur, Bali, attended by 90 presenters from 30 institutions. The 1st ICCI was attended by the Indonesian Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs as a keynote speaker. The 2nd ICCI was held on November 13, 2013 in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The 3rd ICCI was held in Denpasar Bali in collaboration with Pukyong National University, Korea and BCIC – Denpasar, Bali with up to 90 presenters and a series of events such as IoT workshops, rattan workshops, and footwear workshops. The 4th ICCI was held at Hotel Bumi Surabaya with the theme Creative Experience in Design. ICCI in 2019 was postponed and requires an adaptive approach to the current digital era, covid 19 has caused many changes and demands for transformation into online. And in 2021 the Indonesian Product Design Creative Conference (KKDPI) will be held as the opening for ICCI 2022, so that 2022 will be held online).
Furthermore, ICCI could be :
• Reference for policy makers related to the
creative industry, to identify the latest
issues as well as challenges faced by the
creative industry.
•A forum to establish relationships between
various parties directly related to the
creative industry.
•A prestigious publication channel for
academics in the creative industries.